We pioneered industrial inspection as we regularly provide professional and reliable drone inspection services for major oil refineries and government regulators.
Faster, safer, and efficient - drone inspection allows for plants and construction sites to be in operation during the process. High megapixel and zoom capability provide imagery to assess structural integrity.
Higher Safer Better
Save money
Eliminate time and costs required to erect scaffolding.No downtime of your platform Assets is able to stay online and operational during the inspection.
Reduce health & safety hazards
Unmanned, which cuts out the need for people to be placed at a height, avoiding potential danger to personnel.Assist turn around and maintenance Advance information to plan and budget for your turnaround shutdown.
Better decision making Information Our experience & technical skill to operate within challenging environments allows us to locate and diagnose problems quickly.
Oil & Gas
Flare Stack
Building facade inspection (Civil inspection)
Roof Inspection
Tower crane inspection
Pipe rack inspection
Indoor facility inspection
Confined space inspection

Approved Contractors for :
Highest Internal Standards:
We apply strict internal checklists and procedures in our design and maintenance phases - ensuring our aircraft is performing at the safest and most optimized state.
Flight and reliability testing
Retirement of frames after logged hours
Periodic tear down and rebuild of custom aircraft
In-built redundancy in drones to allow for margin of failures
Electronic flight logs
Detail operating procedures