A new drone service for underwater purposes. Save time, save money
ROV can start the inspection immediately, reducing turnaround time and save costs of employing divers for ad hoc hull & dock visual inspection.
During underwater operations, ROV can transmit underwater images to shore clearly in real-time, which is convenient to find out the solution quickly

Allows single person operation and ease of use
No downtime of your platform
Assets are able to stay online and operational during inspection, providing live broadcasts of images and video feed
Reduce health & safety hazards
Unmanned, which cuts out the need for people to be placed in dangerous conditions underwater e.g. narrow spaces, close contacts with underwater machineryAssist turn around and maintenance
Advance information to plan and budget for your turnaround shutdown.
Better decision making Information
Our experience & technical skill to operate within challenging environments allows us to locate and diagnose problems quickly.

Fish Farming Inspection
Hull and Dock Inspection
Reservoir Dam Inspection
Underwater Scientific Research
Use Case Scenarios
Underwater Hull Inspection
Fish Farming